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Ground Zero這兩個字,在九一一事件之後不斷出現,指的就是紐約市整個堆滿了殘骸,慘不忍睹的災區現場. 原來這個字,不是九一一後新發明的字,阿雅傑飛在 Merriam-Webster 英英光碟字典上,打入 "ground zero" 發現ground zero 第一個解釋是: the point directly above, below or at which a nuclear explosion occurs 原來是核爆地點. 第二個解釋是: the center or origin of rapid, intense, or violent activity or change :劇變的中心或發源地 而第三個解釋是: the very beginning, 又回到原點, 也就是 Square One. 看完了這些解釋,阿雅傑飛更能體會美國媒體用 Ground Zero所代表的深意, 九一一帶來的重創宛如核爆,the World Trade Center 就是劇變的中心而 Ground zero 讓他們必需回到原點重建家園. 報導中說: 有13呎之高的瞭望台一次能容納400人觀看,這是計劃中四個瞭望台中,第一個建好的. The 13-foot-high view platform, the first of four to be built, will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., daily starting today and can accommodate up to 400 people at a time, official said. 雖然有人認為ground zero 如此開放讓大眾參觀會被利用來招攬遊客前來觀光...但是紐約市長 Mr. Giuliani說: You can't completely control human conduct, and you can't stop doing the things that are good things to do because some people will abuse it," he said. "To deny people access to the site would be like denying people access to other sites of historic significance, like Gettysburg or Normandy. I'm sure there are people that go to all those places for the wrong reasons, but most go for the right reasons." 紐約市長請美國人都前來參觀Ground zero, 對紐約市長而言,Ground Zero 是 a site of both horror and great bravery. The mayor said it was a place to reflect on the importance of human life, democracy and political freedom. Ground Zero是讓人們思考人類生命,民主,與政治自由真義的地方. 有些人可能會濫用(abuse)這個景點,但是不能因此而不讓人民有機會接觸如蓋次堡與諾曼第等歷史聖地. 來這裡參觀的人,他們又作何感想呢? 12月30號,紐約時報網站上的另一篇報導,是美聯社所提供的 http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-Attacks-Platforms.html New WTC Observation Platform Opens (By the Associated Press) For some, the view of ground zero was a religious epiphany. 具有宗教啟示的意義. "This is disturbing -- but also wonderful. We are Christians, and this teaches us to help and love one another." said Shannon Pope of St. Louis, Mo. 來自聖路易的基督徒說. 另一位從康奈迪克州開車來的 Scott Smith 說: What struck me was the open wide space, no buildings. But it also looks like a construction site" 從法國來的訪客,六點起床,在冷風中排隊,他說: The point is not to actually see everything. It's to feel what is here." 阿雅傑飛不知道自己若到了ground zero, 會怎麼想. 開放後第二天,12月31日,紐約時報另一篇報導提到, http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/31/internaional/31ROUN.htm 上千人,扛著冷風,排著六條街長的隊,在瞭望台開放的第一天湧入現場. Thousands remembered the victims at ground zero yesterday as New York opened its official viewing stand. The crowds braved frigid winds and six-block lines for a glimpse of devastation. They sobbed, prayed, whispered, gawked (張口錯愕)and took snapshots. And halfway around the world, the war slogged on. 而世界的另一端,(想必是阿富汗戰場)正陷入苦戰. 2001年就要結束, 九一一的陰魂將伴隨全美國各地過年的慶典. 報導中說: 紐約將有五十萬人會湧到時代廣場 Times Square看 fireworks (煙火), music and the ball-drop 大球落地倒數計時的慶典.同時 Bells will ring across town for the 3000 victims. 也將為 3000名罹難者敲鐘致哀. 希望 2002年能平安渡過. 相關網站: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/30/nyregion/30view.html http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-Attacks-Platforms.html http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/31/internaional/31ROUN.htm 參考資料 全民英檢線上題庫http://gept.go2school.com.tw/learn/news/20011231.htm 相關詞: 洛克人zero,rs zero,zero 女子團體,zero可樂,洛克人zero金手指,zero plus,可口可樂zero,zero 女子天團,fate zero,crows zero [ 快速連結 ] 其它回答( 1 ) | 意見( 0 ) | 評論( 0 ) 發問者評價 最正確的回答、最好的參考資料,太棒了,謝謝! 發表你的評價 你的評價 發表評價: 正面 普通 負面 評價內容: 發表 取消 加入追蹤 轉寄朋友 友善列印 馬上按讚 加入 Yahoo! 奇摩 知識+ 粉絲團 測測你的職場英文有幾分? 多益700分線上測驗題庫 立即免費測試你的多益等級 超方便!吃喝玩樂一次搞定 旅遊住宿所有資訊一應俱全 什麼!找裝潢廠商這麼簡單 相關問答 [ 數學 ]Linear Algebra(zero vector) [ 美容改裝 ]這幾種排氣管RS ZERO 100的機車可以裝嗎?? [ 購買指南 ]關於RS ZERO、VJR的比較!! [ 購買指南 ]關於BWSX . RS ZERO . VJR的比較 !! [ 購買指南 ]機車性能比較RS ZERO DX.GTRaero DX [ 美容改裝 ]VJR、RS ZERO最快能跑多少?? 更多 其他回答(1) 意見(0) 相關評論(0) 001 回答者:JEFF ( 初學者 5 級 ) 回答時間:2005-01-02 08:44:16 [ 檢舉 ] • ground zero It was used first about the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan at the end of World War II; at least, its first appearance - in the "New York Times" on 7 July 1946, about a year after the events - is in this connection: "The intense heat of the blast started fires as far as 3,500 feet from 'ground zero' (the point on the ground directly under the bomb's explosion in the air)". The term looks as though it has been borrowed from a bit of existing military jargon, though I can't find an earlier example.The devastating effects of the attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 11 September reminded people of the aftermath of a nuclear attack. The term was instantly applied to the site, to the extent that it looked for a while as though it would displace the older meaning entirely.However, the site of the air crash in New York this week was also described in some newspapers as "ground zero", suggesting that the term may be shifting instead to refer to any place in which massive destruction has been caused from the air. But it's too early to be sure. 本文作者的 伊媚而 yasinerhan2003@yahoo.com 參考資料: yasin's unique words from Babylon online dictionary No.5567 1 目前沒有資料 發表意見發表意見字數已達上限,要改成發表評論嗎? 發表 取消 目前沒有資料 我要評論 註冊 公告: 知識團員轉粉絲全數完成 HOT! 拍賣 | 遊學諮詢 語言進修 證照認證 刊登贊助網站麗睛眼鏡公司-廣獲網友好評 lisa.shop2000.com.tw 南部首家NIKON鏡片旗艦概念店。15週年慶。全館買一付送一付。 lisa.shop2000.com.tw 7net 茶水飲料大賞 www.7net.com.tw 超划算!7net多款茶水飲品超值折扣價,快來搶便宜,在家輕鬆購! www.7net.com.tw 瑞士百年頂級鐘錶 鐫刻分秒經典 www.jaeger-lecoultre.com Jaeger-LeCoultre英文官網邀您鑑賞,百年工藝與科技的絕世鉅作。 www.jaeger-lecoultre.com 到udn買東西 飲料果汁真划算 shopping.udn.com 全民抗漲省錢術,想囤貨趁現在!果汁、飲料、沖泡包下殺價,眾多品牌網路瘋搶購! shopping.udn.com 香港理工大學-現正招生 www.polyu.edu.hk/study 位於九龍紅磡,提供優越的學習環境,學生可申請入住宿舍,歡迎網上報名。 www.polyu.edu.hk/study TutorABC學英文免費下載 www.tutorabc.com 線上真人同步英語視訊學習,隨時隨地想學就學!天天花45分鐘,英文實力倍增。 www.tutorabc.com最新英文 發問中 已解決 造句..越多句子越好..造句..越多句子越好.. 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